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Personal Investigations

Through Real World Problem Solving and an enquiry approach to learning we develop students who are skilful communicators, collaborative, digitally literate and resilient. 
By encouraging student agency in the learning process we co construct learning so students can age appropriately self-manage their goals, assessments and improvement strategies. Allowing and encouraging students to take action from their learning shows them that they can impact their world both locally and globally.

 The PERSONAL Investigation  is the vehicle to develop and teach the learning process to students. It gives opportunity to slowly move through a learning cycle while pausing to explore each and every step and what success looks like. It’s the opportunity to explicitly teach, understand and practice the skills needed to become a successful learner. This learning experience is co constructed with each student as it goes. Personal Investigations allow students to use metacognitive strategies to improve their learning and stretch their thinking: 
Students learn; 
• To mind map • To think about learning – metacognition – what should I do next? • To collaborate  • To set direction and goals • To understand the marking/rubric and how to use it to improve their achievement • To question themselves and others • To give and take feedback • To design, prototype, critique and improve • To make goals and review them as needed • To reflect on where they went right or wrong and where to go next • To be a person with a growth mindset • To work through the learning pit and celebrate on the other side • To help others on their way • To be kind and considerate to their fellow class members • To focus fully on learning – to be in the flow • To take action for others • To be a global citizen • To be an entrepreneur • To unlock learning and how to learn • To love learning