Enrolment Information
If you are transferring from another school you will need to fill in the above Pre Enrolment form and drop it in or send it via email to the school. We will also need proof of your address and a birth certificate or passport to enrol your child.
While we are not a zoned school we are very full and have enrolment pressure so we will give priority to local families.
New Arrivals to Australia - Intensive English Language Centre
Students who are new arrivals (in their first 12 months) to Australia are eligible for enrolment at an Intensive English Language Centre (IELC). This will give your child a small class setting at a local IELC to develop their English skills while still studying the curriculum. We highly recommend these programs and encourage all new arrivals to attend. After you attend the program (up to 12 months)your child will be eligible to attend their local school.
IELC's close to us